House Fajita Pinwheels, Chicken Boudin Rolls & Steak Diablos
The delicious, pre-seasoned, and ready-made dinner ideas will have you singing. Grill or cook in the oven.
Pre-heat to 425F.
Bring items to room temperature – or if frozen, place in a water bath for 15 – 30 minutes.
No need to pre-season.
Boudin Chicken Rolls – cook for 40 minutes
Steak Diablos – cook for 25 minutes
Pinwheels – cook for 25 minutes
These make great quick dinner ideas any night of the week.
Pinwheel Fajitas – tender fajita meat rolled around a choice of cream cheese & spinach, jalapeño popper style, or a simple onion & bell pepper pinwheel.
Boudin Chicken Rolls – chicken breast rolled and stuffed with only the best Boudin from Best Stop all wrapped in bacon.
Steak Diablos – inside skirt steak bacon-wrapped around jalapeño popper with bell peppers, onions, and our signature cream cheese blend.

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Hello everybody welcome back to Champs once again.
So we’re going to be doing some fun stuff today. We make a lot of things in house – things that are very unique to Champs and we’re going to be showing you a few of these things today one is our pin wheels and we have three different types of pin Wheels here we also have our steak Diablos we also have a chicken boudin roll which Montray still has cooking over there but uh these things are awesome if you’ve never had them and uh so we have a cream cheese and uh jalapeno so this is our popper pinwheel we have our classic Fajita style pinwheel that just has the onions and bell peppers in it so there’s no cheese or anything in that and then we also have over here our cream cheese and spinach and our cream cheese and spinach is our is our most popular by far now we also have our uh Steak Diablo which has a jalapeno popper with our signature cream cheese in there along with some bell pepper and onion and again wrapped in bacon now there’s several ways you can prepare these um and Montray he’s going to be showing you one today a good way to beat the heat and do it inside but you can also do it on the grill we just suggest any of these things that have cheese or cream cheese in them that you put a piece of cool under it’s that simple uh our guys in the back do a great job making them our uh pin Wheels are made from uh skirt steak that’s been tenderized it has Champs KISS seasoning on it like we like to season everything with it’s just real sent with salt pepper garlic and then for that have the cream cheese in we have a special blend of cream cheese that’s unique to us and it’s it’s just really good it’s it’s hard to beat so when you come uh come see them of course these have a little bit of frost on them they are frozen it allows us to go ahead and make a bunch of them and uh always have them on hand for y’all but uh the pin wheels are $13.95 a pound and it it’s not that much when you consider this is going to feed three people probably and the way I like to do it is just they’ve got this little blue pin in there and that’s perfectly fine it’s heat resistant it’s not going to hurt to be on the oven or in the grill it’s going to hold it together but just remember it’s in there when you go to cut them uh so you can just remove that with your knife I like to just cut them crossways like One X that’s going to leave you with just a pile of a he meat just like you like um steak Diablo again a little bit of little Frost bit this is what they’re going to look like again I’m sorry they they look much better when they’re cooked and then our chicken ban rolls now mon like I said still has the chicken boudin rolls going but uh these are really one of my favorites it’s chicken thigh which is always good we butterfly that open we take a uh half jalapeno that’s got the seed scooped out of it and then we fill it with only the best best stop boudin mix and we have quite a few other Best Stop boudin products here but it’s it’s by far the best then we take it we season it with our chance kiss and we wrap it in bacon anyways I’m going to hand it over to montre he going to tell you a little bit about how he cooked them right here in house good afternoon Corpus Christi welcome back to Champs Facebook live and does an awesome job of telling y’all how we uh make these pinwheels and how we make these boudin chicken rolls. Montray, he does an awesome job explaining it I prepared it so it’s too hot outside it’s too hot to get on the grill no sweat just come on in your house and put it in your oven so I crank the oven up to 425F I believe the everything that’s beef is 25 minutes 25 minutes when you Steak Diablos all your beef pinwheels for 25 minutes on 425F on your chicken of course it got to cook a little bit longer so I leave that in there for 40 minutes it got about 5 minutes left on it I’m going to pull that out and I’ll be able to show it to y’all but that’s it if you don’t want to be outside and sweat oven the way to go I like it in the oven and uh Buddha and chicken rolls is my best way I like them love them they one of my favorites so I can’t wait. Remember everybody come see us next Friday. Can you explain just 15 minutes out of the uh hot water cold water 15 minutes everything comes frozen. It doesn’t take any uh any time at all uh I just throw them down in some warm water and uh the these things don’t take that long the thaw out absolutely not so if you’re worried about that hey by the time time you get your oven preheated they’re going to be ready to put in there um but again third Friday so come see us we’re going to be having a raffle right and we always have some something some Libations to go along with our food and this week we’re going to have Nueces Brewery coming and uh we’re going to be able to sample all that great stuff so you’re going to have you know local beer and local meat and this is everybody’s favorite the pinwheels by far this is your chance to come eat them on us and uh don’t forget come see us.